3 Dec | 2024 The CDK12-BRCA1 signaling axis mediates dinaciclib-associated radiosensitivity through p53-mediated cellular senescence. Flores, NG, Fernández-Aroca, DM, Garnés-García, C, Domínguez-Calvo, A, Jiménez-Suárez, J, Sabater, S, Fernández-Aroca, P, Andrés, I, Cimas, FJ, de Cárcer, G , Belandia, B , Palmero, I , Huertas, P, Ruiz-Hidalgo, MJ, Sánchez-Prieto, R . Mol Oncol (PMID: 39626031) (doi:10.1002/1878-0261.13773)
1 Jul | 2023 MAPK11 (p38β) is a major determinant of cellular radiosensitivity by controlling ionizing radiation-associated senescence: An in vitro study. Fernández-Aroca, DM, García-Flores, N, Frost, S, Jiménez-Suárez, J, Rodríguez-González, A, Fernández-Aroca, P, Sabater, S, Andrés, I, Garnés-García, C, Belandia, B , Cimas, FJ, Villar, D, Ruiz-Hidalgo, MJ, Sánchez-Prieto, R . Clin Transl Radiat Oncol - 41 : 100649 (PMID: 37346275) (doi:10.1016/j.ctro.2023.100649)
30 Jan | 2023 P38 MAPK and Radiotherapy: Foes or Friends? García-Flores, N, Jiménez-Suárez, J, Garnés-García, C, Fernández-Aroca, DM, Sabater, S, Andrés, I, Fernández-Aramburo, A, Ruiz-Hidalgo, MJ, Belandia, B , Sanchez-Prieto, R , Cimas, FJ. Cancers (Basel) - 15 (3) (PMID: 36765819) (doi:10.3390/cancers15030861)
19 Jul | 2022 ERK5 Is a Major Determinant of Chemical Sarcomagenesis: Implications in Human Pathology. Arconada-Luque, E, Jiménez-Suarez, J, Pascual-Serra, R, Nam-Cha, SH, Moline, T, Cimas, FJ, Fliquete, G, Ortega-Muelas, M, Roche, O , Fernández-Aroca, DM, Muñoz Velasco, R, García-Flores, N, Garnés-García, C, Sánchez-Fdez, A, Matilla-Almazán, S, Sánchez-Arévalo Lobo, VJ, Hernández-Losa, J, Belandia, B , Pandiella, A, Esparís-Ogando, A, Ramón Y Cajal, S, Del Peso, L , Sánchez-Prieto, R , Ruiz-Hidalgo, MJ. Cancers (Basel) - 14 (14) (PMID: 35884568) (doi:10.3390/cancers14143509)
16 Oct | 2021 ERK5 signalling pathway is a novel target of sorafenib: Implication in EGF biology. Ortega-Muelas, M, Roche, O , Fernández-Aroca, DM, Encinar, JA, Albandea-Rodríguez, D , Arconada-Luque, E, Pascual-Serra, R, Muñoz, I , Sánchez-Pérez, I , Belandia, B , Ruiz-Hidalgo, MJ, Sánchez-Prieto, R . J Cell Mol Med (PMID: 34655447) (doi:10.1111/jcmm.16990)
10 Dec | 2020 p38β (MAPK11) mediates gemcitabine-associated radiosensitivity in sarcoma experimental models. Pascual-Serra, R, Fernández-Aroca, DM, Sabater, S, Roche, O, Andrés, I, Ortega-Muelas, M, Arconada-Luque, E, Garcia-Flores, N, Bossi, G, Belandia, B , Ruiz-Hidalgo, MJ, Sánchez-Prieto, R . Radiother Oncol (PMID: 33310004) (doi:10.1016/j.radonc.2020.12.008)
1 Sep | 2019 Blockage of autophagic flux is associated with lymphocytosis and higher percentage of tumoral cells in chronic lymphocytic leukemia of B cells. Romero-Macías, JR, Pascual-Serra, R, Roche, O, Ruiz-Marcos, F, Serrano-Martínez, A, González-Aguado, P, Belandia, B , Ruiz-Hidalgo, MJ, Sánchez-Prieto, R . Clin Transl Oncol - 21 (9) : 1280-1285 (PMID: 30680609) (doi:10.1007/s12094-019-02041-x)
1 Jun | 2019 P53 pathway is a major determinant in the radiosensitizing effect of Palbociclib: Implication in cancer therapy. Fernández-Aroca, DM, Roche, O, Sabater, S, Pascual-Serra, R, Ortega-Muelas, M, Sánchez Pérez, I , Belandia, B , Ruiz-Hidalgo, MJ, Sánchez-Prieto, R . Cancer Lett. - 451 : 23-33 (PMID: 30872077) (doi:10.1016/j.canlet.2019.02.049)
26 Jul | 2018 Autophagic cell death associated to Sorafenib in renal cell carcinoma is mediated through Akt inhibition in an ERK1/2 independent fashion. Serrano-Oviedo, L, Ortega-Muelas, M, García-Cano, J, Valero, ML, Cimas, FJ, Pascual-Serra, R, Fernandez-Aroca, DM, Roche, O , Ruiz-Hidalgo, MJ, Belandia, B , Giménez-Bachs, JM, Salinas, AS, Sanchez-Prieto, R . PLoS ONE - 13 (7) : e0200878 (PMID: 30048489) (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0200878)
1 Jul | 2016 HEY1 functions are regulated by its phosphorylation at Ser-68. López-Mateo, I , Arruabarrena-Aristorena, A, Artaza-Irigaray, C, López, JA, Calvo, E, Belandia, B . Biosci. Rep. - 36 (3) (PMID: 27129302) (doi:10.1042/BSR20160123)
15 Oct | 2012 The transcription factor CREBZF is a novel positive regulator of p53. López-Mateo, I , Villaronga, MÁ, Llanos, S, Belandia, B . Cell Cycle - 11 (20) : 3887-3895 (PMID: 22983008) (doi:10.4161/cc.22133)
1 Aug | 2011 Identification and characterization of novel potentially oncogenic mutations in the human BAF57 gene in a breast cancer patient. Villaronga, MA , López-Mateo, I , Markert, L , Espinosa, E, Fresno Vara, JA , Belandia, B . Breast Cancer Res. Treat. - 128 (3) : 891-898 (PMID: 21465167) (doi:10.1007/s10549-011-1492-4)
20 May | 2011 Repression of androgen receptor activity by HEYL, a third member of the Hairy/Enhancer-of-split-related family of Notch effectors. Lavery, DN, Villaronga, MA , Walker, MM, Patel, A, Belandia, B , Bevan, CL. J. Biol. Chem. - 286 (20) : 17796-17808 (PMID: 21454491) (doi:10.1074/jbc.M110.198655)
21 Jan | 2010 HEY1 Leu94Met gene polymorphism dramatically modifies its biological functions. Villaronga, MA , Lavery, DN, Bevan, CL, Llanos, S, Belandia, B . Oncogene - 29 (3) : 411-420 (PMID: 19802006) (doi:10.1038/onc.2009.309)
10 Nov | 2008 Notch signaling: a potential therapeutic target in prostate cancer. Villaronga, MA , Bevan, CL, Belandia, B . Curr Cancer Drug Targets - 8 (7) : 566-580 (PMID: 18991567)
1 Dec | 2006 Mechanisms of androgen receptor repression in prostate cancer. Powell, SM, Brooke, GN, Whitaker, HC, Reebye, V, Gamble, SC, Chotai, D, Dart, DA, Belandia, B , Bevan, CL. Biochem. Soc. Trans. - 34 (Pt 6) : 1124-1127 (PMID: 17073766) (doi:10.1042/BST0341124)
11 Aug | 2006 The SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling subunit BAF57 is a critical regulator of estrogen receptor function in breast cancer cells. García-Pedrero, JM, Kiskinis, E, Parker, MG, Belandia, B . J. Biol. Chem. - 281 (32) : 22656-22664 (PMID: 16769725) (doi:10.1074/jbc.M602561200)
12 Jul | 2006 Identification of BAF57 mutations in human breast cancer cell lines. Kiskinis, E, García-Pedrero, JM, Villaronga, MA , Parker, MG, Belandia, B . Breast Cancer Res. Treat. - 98 (2) : 191-198 (PMID: 16538531) (doi:10.1007/s10549-005-9149-9)
8 Feb | 2006 Nuclear receptor regulation gears up another Notch. Belandia, B , Parker, MG. Nucl Recept Signal - 4 : e001 (PMID: 16604164) (doi:10.1621/nrs.04001)
1 Feb | 2005 Hey1, a mediator of notch signaling, is an androgen receptor corepressor. Belandia, B , Powell, SM, García-Pedrero, JM, Walker, MM, Bevan, CL, Parker, MG. Mol. Cell. Biol. - 25 (4) : 1425-1436 (PMID: 15684393) (doi:10.1128/MCB.25.4.1425-1436.2005)
1 Apr | 2004 A response unit in the first exon of the beta-amyloid precursor protein gene containing thyroid hormone receptor and Sp1 binding sites mediates negative regulation by 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine. Villa, A , Santiago, J , Belandia, B , Pascual, A . Mol. Endocrinol. - 18 (4) : 863-873 (PMID: 14715929) (doi:10.1210/me.2003-0260)
8 Aug | 2003 Nuclear receptors: a rendezvous for chromatin remodeling factors. Belandia, B , Parker, MG. Cell - 114 (3) : 277-280 (PMID: 12914692)
1 Aug | 2002 Targeting of SWI/SNF chromatin remodelling complexes to estrogen-responsive genes. Belandia, B , Orford, RL, Hurst, HC, Parker, MG. EMBO J. - 21 (15) : 4094-4103 (PMID: 12145209)
6 Oct | 2000 Functional interaction between the p160 coactivator proteins and the transcriptional enhancer factor family of transcription factors. Belandia, B , Parker, MG. J. Biol. Chem. - 275 (40) : 30801-30805 (PMID: 10934189) (doi:10.1074/jbc.C000484200)
13 Nov | 1998 Thyroid hormone negatively regulates the transcriptional activity of the beta-amyloid precursor protein gene. Belandia, B , Latasa, MJ , Villa, A, Pascual, A . J. Biol. Chem. - 273 (46) : 30366-30371 (PMID: 9804800)
24 Jun | 1998 Thyroid hormones regulate beta-amyloid gene splicing and protein secretion in neuroblastoma cells. Latasa, MJ , Belandia, B , Pascual, A . Endocrinology - 139 (6) : 2692-2698 (PMID: 9607774) (doi:10.1210/endo.139.6.6033)
24 Oct | 1995 Down-regulation of c-Myc and Max genes is associated to inhibition of protein phosphatase 2A in K562 human leukemia cells. Lerga, A, Belandia, B , Delgado, MD , Cuadrado, MA, Richard, C, Ortiz, JM, Martín-Perez, J , León, J. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. - 215 (3) : 889-895 (PMID: 7488057)
21 Jan | 1994 Attenuation of ribosomal protein S6 phosphatase activity in chicken embryo fibroblasts transformed by Rous sarcoma virus. Belandia, B , Brautigan, D, Martín-Pérez, J . Mol. Cell. Biol. - 14 (1) : 200-206 (PMID: 8264587)