2 Dec | 2023 Are There Lipid Membrane-Domain Subtypes in Neurons with Different Roles in Calcium Signaling? Samhan-Arias, AK , Poejo, J, Marques-da-Silva, D, Martínez-Costa, OH , Gutierrez-Merino, C. Molecules - 28 (23) (PMID: 38067638) (doi:10.3390/molecules28237909)
23 Dec | 2022 The Use of Flavylium Salts as Dynamic Inhibitor Moieties for Human Cb5R. Martínez-Costa, OH , Rodrigues-Miranda, L, Clemente, SM, Parola, AJ, Basilio, N, Samhan-Arias, AK . Molecules - 28 (1) (PMID: 36615312) (doi:10.3390/molecules28010123)
8 Sep | 2022 Formal Meta-Analysis of Hypoxic Gene Expression Profiles Reveals a Universal Gene Signature. Puente-Santamaria, L , Sanchez-Gonzalez, L , Pescador, N , Martinez-Costa, O , Ramos-Ruiz, R, Del Peso, L . Biomedicines - 10 (9) (PMID: 36140330) (doi:10.3390/biomedicines10092229)
23 Dec | 2021 Structural Features of Cytochrome b5-Cytochrome b5 Reductase Complex Formation and Implications for the Intramolecular Dynamics of Cytochrome b5 Reductase. Gutiérrez-Merino, C, Martínez-Costa, OH , Monsalve, M , Samhan-Arias, AK . Int J Mol Sci - 23 (1) (PMID: 35008543) (doi:10.3390/ijms23010118)
5 Nov | 2020 Targeting Lipid Peroxidation for Cancer Treatment. Clemente, SM, Martínez-Costa, OH , Monsalve, M , Samhan-Arias, AK . Molecules - 25 (21) (PMID: 33167334) (doi:10.3390/molecules25215144)
16 Jul | 2020 c-Src functionality controls self-renewal and glucose metabolism in MCF7 breast cancer stem cells. Mayoral-Varo, V , Calcabrini, A , Sánchez-Bailón, MP , Martínez-Costa, ÓH , González-Páramos, C , Ciordia, S, Hardisson, D, Aragón, JJ , Fernández-Moreno, MÁ , Martín-Pérez, J . PLoS ONE - 15 (7) : e0235850 (PMID: 32673341) (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0235850)
6 Aug | 2015 Dissecting the function of Atg1 complex in Dictyostelium autophagy reveals a connection with the pentose phosphate pathway enzyme transketolase. Mesquita, A , Tábara, LC, Martinez-Costa, O , Santos-Rodrigo, N , Vincent, O , Escalante, R . Open Biol - 5 (8) (PMID: 26246495) (doi:10.1098/rsob.150088)
1 Nov | 2014 Improvement and validation of d-xylose determination in urine and serum as a new tool for the noninvasive evaluation of lactase activity in humans. Hermida, C , Martínez-Costa, OH , Corrales, G, Teruel, C, Sánchez, V , Sánchez, JJ, Sarrión, D, Ariza, MJ, Codoceo, R, Calvo, I, Fernández-Mayoralas, A, Aragón, JJ . J. Clin. Lab. Anal. - 28 (6) : 478-486 (PMID: 24659338) (doi:10.1002/jcla.21713)
1 Jan | 2014 Noninvasive diagnosis of hypolactasia with 4-Galactosylxylose (Gaxilose): a multicentre, open-label, phase IIB-III nonrandomized trial. Aragón, JJ , Hermida, C , Martínez-Costa, OH , Sánchez, V , Martín, I, Sánchez, JJ, Codoceo, R, Cano, JM, Cano, A, Crespo, L, Torres, Y, García, FJ, Fernández-Mayoralas, A, Solera, J, Martínez, P. J. Clin. Gastroenterol. - 48 (1) : 29-36 (PMID: 23722657) (doi:10.1097/MCG.0b013e318297fb10)
1 Jul | 2013 Phase I and phase IB clinical trials for the noninvasive evaluation of intestinal lactase with 4-galactosylxylose (gaxilose). Hermida, C , Guerra, P, Martínez-Costa, OH , Sánchez, V , Sánchez, JJ, Solera, J, Fernández-Mayoralas, A, Codoceo, R, Frías, J, Aragón, JJ . J. Clin. Gastroenterol. - 47 (6) : 501-508 (PMID: 23328304) (doi:10.1097/MCG.0b013e318272f507)
15 Jul | 2012 Distinct functional roles of the two terminal halves of eukaryotic phosphofructokinase. Martínez-Costa, OH , Sánchez, V , Lázaro, A, Hernández, ED, Tornheim, K, Aragón, JJ . Biochem. J. - 445 (2) : 213-218 (PMID: 22530721) (doi:10.1042/BJ20120173)
2 Dec | 2010 Electron microscopy analysis of mammalian phosphofructokinase reveals an unusual 3-dimensional structure with significant implications for enzyme function. Arechaga, I, Martínez-Costa, OH , Ferreras, C, Carrascosa, JL, Aragón, JJ . FASEB J. - 24 (12) : 4960-4968 (PMID: 20732951) (doi:10.1096/fj.10-165845)
3 Apr | 2009 Subunit interactions and composition of the fructose 6-phosphate catalytic site and the fructose 2,6-bisphosphate allosteric site of mammalian phosphofructokinase. Ferreras, C, Hernández, ED, Martínez-Costa, OH , Aragón, JJ . J. Biol. Chem. - 284 (14) : 9124-9131 (PMID: 19218242) (doi:10.1074/jbc.M807737200)
21 Aug | 2008 The serum levels of the EGF-like homeotic protein dlk1 correlate with different metabolic parameters in two hormonally different children populations in Spain. Hermida, C , Garcés, C, de Oya, M, Cano, B, Martínez-Costa, OH , Rivero, S, García-Ramírez, JJ, Laborda, J, Aragón, JJ . Clin. Endocrinol. (Oxf) - 69 (2) : 216-224 (PMID: 18248640) (doi:10.1111/j.1365-2265.2008.03170.x)
26 Jun | 2007 Chimeric phosphofructokinases involving exchange of the N- and C-terminal halves of mammalian isozymes: implications for ligand binding sites. Martínez-Costa, OH , Sánchez-Martínez, C , Sánchez, V , Aragón, JJ . FEBS Lett. - 581 (16) : 3033-3038 (PMID: 17544406) (doi:10.1016/j.febslet.2007.05.059)
1 Feb | 2006 Noninvasive evaluation of intestinal lactase with 4-galactosylxylose: comparison with 3- and 2-galactosylxylose and optimization of the method in rats. Hermida, C , Corrales, G, Martínez-Costa, OH , Fernández-Mayoralas, A, Aragón, JJ . Clin Chem - 52 (2) : 270-277 (PMID: 16384892) (doi:10.1373/clinchem.2005.058446)
1 May | 2005 The dimorphic yeast Yarrowia lipolytica possesses an atypical phosphofructokinase: characterization of the enzyme and its encoding gene. Flores, CL , Martínez-Costa, OH , Sánchez, V , Gancedo, C , Aragón, JJ . Microbiology (Reading) - 151 (Pt 5) : 1465-1474 (PMID: 15870456) (doi:10.1099/mic.0.27856-0)
27 Aug | 2004 Characterization of the aspartate kinase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and of its interaction with threonine. Marina, P, Martínez-Costa, OH , Calderón, IL, Aragón, JJ . Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. - 321 (3) : 584-591 (PMID: 15358146) (doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2004.07.009)
1 Jan | 2004 Identification of C-terminal motifs responsible for transmission of inhibition by ATP of mammalian phosphofructokinase, and their contribution to other allosteric effects. Martínez-Costa, OH , Hermida, C , Sánchez-Martínez, C , Santamaría, B, Aragón, JJ . Biochem. J. - 377 (Pt 1) : 77-84 (PMID: 12974670) (doi:10.1042/BJ20031032)
11 Jan | 2002 Creation of an allosteric phosphofructokinase starting with a nonallosteric enzyme. The case of dictyostelium discoideum phosphofructokinase. Santamaria, B, Estevez, AM, Martinez-Costa, OH , Aragon, JJ. J. Biol. Chem. - 277 (2) : 1210-1216 (PMID: 11700322) (doi:10.1074/jbc.M109480200)