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Publications by “Francesc García Gonzalo”

MKS5 and CEP290 Dependent Assembly Pathway of the Ciliary Transition Zone.

Li, C, Jensen, VL, Park, K, Kennedy, J, Garcia-Gonzalo, FR , Romani, M, De Mori, R, Bruel, AL, Gaillard, D, Doray, B, Lopez, E, Rivière, JB, Faivre, L, Thauvin-Robinet, C, Reiter, JF, Blacque, OE, Valente, EM, Leroux, MR.

TMEM231, mutated in orofaciodigital and Meckel syndromes, organizes the ciliary transition zone.

Roberson, EC, Dowdle, WE, Ozanturk, A, Garcia-Gonzalo, FR , Li, C, Halbritter, J, Elkhartoufi, N, Porath, JD, Cope, H, Ashley-Koch, A, Gregory, S, Thomas, S, Sayer, JA, Saunier, S, Otto, EA, Katsanis, N, Davis, EE, Attié-Bitach, T, Hildebrandt, F, Leroux, MR, Reiter, JF.

A transition zone complex regulates mammalian ciliogenesis and ciliary membrane composition.

Garcia-Gonzalo, FR , Corbit, KC, Sirerol-Piquer, MS, Ramaswami, G, Otto, EA, Noriega, TR, Seol, AD, Robinson, JF, Bennett, CL, Josifova, DJ, García-Verdugo, JM, Katsanis, N, Hildebrandt, F, Reiter, JF.

Mapping the NPHP-JBTS-MKS protein network reveals ciliopathy disease genes and pathways.

Sang, L, Miller, JJ, Corbit, KC, Giles, RH, Brauer, MJ, Otto, EA, Baye, LM, Wen, X, Scales, SJ, Kwong, M, Huntzicker, EG, Sfakianos, MK, Sandoval, W, Bazan, JF, Kulkarni, P, Garcia-Gonzalo, FR , Seol, AD, O'Toole, JF, Held, S, Reutter, HM, Lane, WS, Rafiq, MA, Noor, A, Ansar, M, Devi, AR, Sheffield, VC, Slusarski, DC, Vincent, JB, Doherty, DA, Hildebrandt, F, Reiter, JF, Jackson, PK.

Simultaneous electrophoretic analysis of proteins of very high and low molecular weights using low-percentage acrylamide gel and a gradient SDS-PAGE gel.

Casas-Terradellas, E, Garcia-Gonzalo, FR , Hadjebi, O, Bartrons, R, Ventura, F, Rosa, JL.

Interaction between HERC1 and M2-type pyruvate kinase.

Garcia-Gonzalo, FR , Cruz, C, Muñoz, P, Mazurek, S, Eigenbrodt, E, Ventura, F, Bartrons, R, Rosa, JL.